Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023 Shopping Malls and Shops Join Hands to Build a Greener Shopping Environment
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Hong Kong – The “Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023” (the Award) Presentation Ceremony, funded by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) was held successfully at the CIC-Zero Carbon Park on 2 February 2024 to recognise the outstanding green performance of shopping malls and shops.  

The Ceremony invited Ms Theresa WU King-yan, Assistant Director (Municipal Solid Waste Charging) of the Environmental Protection Department, The Government of the HKSAR as the Guest of Honour. She shared valuable insights on the operational preparations for the forthcoming municipal solid waste charging policy with over 100 representatives from shopping malls and shops. Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC, Ir Harry LAI, BBS, Deputy Executive Director of the HKGBC, Judges of the Award, together with more than a hundred representatives from the winning organisations attended the Ceremony to witness the remarkable contributions made by shopping malls and shops in promoting green shopping environment in Hong Kong throughout the past year.

To better align with the actual operations of shopping malls and shops, the Award structure has been revamped in this edition. In addition to the "Green Mall of the Year" and "Green Shop of the Year" awarded to the shopping malls and shops with outstanding achievements in incorporating the "Six Green Aspects" (namely Better Use of Energy, Better Use of Water, Municipal Solid Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling of Material, Social Green Behaviour and Green Procurement) into daily operations, a new award category, “Collaborative Project of the Year”, has been introduced to recognise innovative and creative collaborations. This award category has two designated themes: "Circular Economy” and “Behavioural Change”. "Collaborative Project of the Year - Circular Economy" aims to encourage the implementation of circular economy with retail partners to achieve effective regeneration of resources. Meanwhile, "Collaborative Project of the Year - Behavioural Change" aims to acknowledge the enhancement of environmental awareness among customers, employees, and the public through green collaboration projects, leading to sustainable actions and behavioural changes in shopping malls and shops. Additionally, the "Excellent Green Product Advocator" appreciates Alliance members for adopting environmentally-friendly construction materials and products certified by the CIC Green Product Certification.

Reducing municipal solid waste is one of the “Six Green Aspects”. Ms Theresa WU King-yan, Assistant Director (Municipal Solid Waste Charging) of the Environmental Protection Department, The Government of the HKSAR mentioned about the forthcoming municipal solid waste policy in her speech. She highlighted the cooperation and preparedness of the retail industry in aligning their operations with the new policy.

To promote best practice sharing among the industry practitioners, two sharing sessions have been facilitated. Mr Maurice KONG, Director of the Institute of Dining Professionals exchanged with the awardees of Green Shop of the Year on the operation of green catering from design and renovation to staff training and branding development. 3 Mall awardees shared with Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC their sustainability journeys and the challenges encountered. The key to success relies on determination, open communication and the synergy created among the related stakeholders.

The HKGSA encourages more shopping malls and shops to join the Alliance to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability through various green practices in daily operations and join hands to build a greener shopping environment and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

For the Awardees List of “Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023”, please visit

Photo credits: HKGBC