Singapore – On 15 April 2023, the Design League Cup (DLC) officially launched its first-ever cycling event at Changi Beach Park, with MOS Ms. Low Yen Ling as the Guest of Honour to flag off the participants alongside the DLC committee.
The event, organised by Admira and with joint collaboration by Society of Interior Designers, Singapore (SIDS), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC), Singapore Fashion Council (SFC), Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA), Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS), Singapore Institute of Planners (SIP), Association of Advertising & Marketing Singapore (AAMS) aimed to bring together Singapore’s design community through participation in a unifying sport.
The DLC’s mission is to establish a strong relationship among design bodies across different disciplines through sports participation. The event is also a great opportunity for design professionals to network and build camaraderie amongst the Singapore design community. With a strong community of passionate designers, it can potentially lead to more collaborations and thus more innovations, making the design scene in Singapore flourish. This event also raised funds for the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities (THKMC).
With the success of its inaugural event, the DLC looks forward to organising more activities that will promote collaboration and unity within the design industry.
MOS Ms. Low Yen Ling engaged in conversations with the participating teams and graciously posed for group photographs with them. The distinguished guests then proceeded to the stage, where the event formally began with Prof. Keat Ong’s introductory statement.
"We are thrilled with the success of our first Design League Cup Cycling Event," said Prof. Keat Ong, Co-chairman, Design League Cup Organising Committee.
Mr. Jake Tan, Director of Admira, welcomed everyone to the inaugural DLC event in his speech, praising its success and high participation rate.
The race was flagged off at 9:30am by MOS Ms. Low Yen Ling and the welcome party, who encouraged everyone to enjoy themselves and the thrilling competition.
The day’s activities concluded with the organisers awarding trophies and medals to the winners of the different categories - Division A, Fastest Team, Fastest Male and Female - for completing the race with outstanding timings and tenacity.