The Pritzker Architecture Prize announced new appointments
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Chicago, Illinois, USA – The Pritzker Architecture Prize announced the appointments of Alejandro Aravena as Chair of the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury and Manuela Lucá-Dazio as an advisor to the Prize and the next Executive Director, beginning in March 2021. The Pritzker Prize is known internationally as architecture's highest honour, and this coming year will mark the 43rd year of the accolade. Mr Aravena, 2016 Laureate of the Pritzker Prize, is Founder and Executive Director of ELEMENTAL, a "Do Tank" focusing on projects of public interest and social impact including housing, public space, infrastructure and transportation. His mastery of architecture aides his commitment to society, resulting in works and activism that respond to social, humanitarian and economic needs.

Manuela Lucá-Dazio most recently served as the Executive Director of the Department of Visual Arts and Architecture of La Biennale di Venezia. She has managed exhibitions with distinguished curators, architects, artists, and critics to realise the International Art Exhibition and the International Architecture Exhibition since 2009. Preceding that, she was responsible for the technical organisation and production of both Exhibitions beginning in 1999. She holds a PhD in History of Architecture from the University of Roma-Chieti, Italy and lives in Paris, France.

Martha Thorne, Executive Director since 2005, will step down this upcoming March, following the announcement of the 2021 Laureate. Thereafter, she will remain an advisor to the Prize through the 2021 ceremony to oversee the transition. She will continue her expansive role as Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design, Spain, and looks forward to working with international clients facilitating competitions and architect selection processes.

“We are incredibly grateful for the long and impactful tenure of Martha's service to the Prize, as she has infused the utmost diplomacy and discretion within her role while bringing to the fore, especially in the composition of jury members, the overdue merit of women in the field of architecture," stated Tom Pritzker, Chairman of The Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the award.