Identiv Develops NFC-Enabled Body Temperature Measurement Patch
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Identiv, Inc. announced the development of Identiv's Body Temperature Measurement Patch. The near field communication (NFC)-enabled transponder supports the reopening of public spaces, including theme parks and stadiums, and helps operators keep attendees and employees comfortable, confident, and safe. The product also supports global governments and healthcare workers that need to periodically monitor quarantined patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The new solution combines the simplicity of using NFC and the smart technology potential of the Internet of Things (IoT), making body temperature monitoring easier than ever.

Identiv's Body Temperature Measurement Patch makes it simple for anyone to monitor personal temperature curves. The patch is most accurately read when applied under the upper arm and is currently being tested on other areas of the body. The solution features skin friendly adhesive and can be worn for multiple days. For instant temperature measurements, tap the passive patch with any NFC-enabled smartphone. The positioning of the patch allows temperature measurement close to the body yet keeps the readout as simple as possible. As large public venues begin to reopen, quick, affordable temperature tracking will be the first line of defense in order to assure visitors and employees that operators have their safety at top of mind.

"Besides incredibly uncomfortable nose swabs, there are no safety indicators adoptable by large public venues except temperature readings," said Dr. Manfred Mueller, Identiv COO and GM, Identity. "In order to support the safest possible reopening of these spaces — in the most practical, scalable way — Identiv has developed passive body patches, and samples are immediately available." 

For clinical-grade applications, Identiv's Body Temperature Measurement Patch can be combined with a high-accuracy temperature sensor, which follows the ASTM E1112 Standard for Electronic Thermometers for Intermittent Determination of Patient Temperature. For customers who need to track body temperatures over a longer period of time without tapping, Identiv has made available an active battery version. Attached to the body, it can track temperature measurements over multiple days and store the data in the cloud or in an offline application.

Global governments and healthcare workers can utilize either the passive or active version of Identiv's Body Temperature Measurement Patch for quarantined citizens, employees, or patients testing positive for COVID-19. Monitored via the cloud, temperature measurements can be assessed without sending someone to take a reading in-person. However, if a patient's condition suddenly grows worse, healthcare personnel can be immediately alerted.

Identiv has been creating award-winning IoT-enabled temperature-sensing and datalogging solutions for the past five years. The team is expert in designing and manufacturing high-frequency (HF) and ultra high-frequency (UHF) transponders for embedded use in billions of everyday objects, including medical devices, books, toys, athletic apparel, perishable food items, and pharmaceuticals. Regardless of the form factor, Identiv's transponders are uniquely positioned to deliver radio frequency identification (RFID) connectivity to and interact with virtually any object in the IoT.