Claypaky announces the launch of Sinfonya Profile 600, first of a new family of LED fixtures, exclusively designed for Theatre applications
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Seriate, Italy – Claypaky announced the launch of its brand new, low noise LED based fixture exclusively designed for Theatre applications. Sinfonya Profile 600 is revolutionary and contains a host of new features that increase the performance levels dramatically on previous models on the market.

It is stylish, compact, and packed full of new technology.  Theatres are demanding applications that require extremely low noise operation, very high quality of light and control along with precision of re-positioning. The Claypaky new range meets those needs and provides brand new levels of performance that were simply not possible before.

Most of the LED Theatre fixtures on the market have been mostly recycled from touring moving heads and adapted for theatre use.  Not so with Sinfonya.  This was a landmark decision and project to design the best fixture possible completely from scratch.  Based on extensive customer feedback and input the team have been working away and managed to create a beautiful fixture that outperforms the best on the market. 

Compacting so much new technology into a new body was a challenge but is has been achieved with spectacular results.  The goal was to have a discreet form factor that can be used both on lighting rigs in theatres but equally sits well in the small niches around the stage frame.  These were previously difficult places to mount fixtures, mainly due to their size.  Crucially, all these customer demands were incorporated in a stunning new product design that is sleek and modern.  The precision of the beam control is amazing, offering outputs from 5o to 60o coverage on stage.

TONEDOWNTM is the products flagship feature.  Claypaky started with a fresh design to enable true silent operation on stage, achieved by redesigning the cooling system. Even at full output the noise is just 27db, a level impossible to achieve before.  In addition to this, the fan has been taken out of the base.  This reduces noise even further on stage and removes black noise from other frequencies that can sometime be annoying. TONEDOWN is a feature that was impossible to achieve before and gives a huge scope for designers and theatre directors to incorporate stunning new choreography and performance aspects.

Another technology first for Sinfonya is the use of ACCUFRAMETM.  A unique new framing system using two focal planes.  We have used four planes ourselves for many years until our engineers discovered a new way to improve the performance.  Saving time in programming and re-focusing was a key request from designers.  Our team found a new way to do this and dramatically improve performance at the same time.  It is 40 times more precise than traditional framing systems.  This gives limitless scope and possibilities on stage.

Claypaky have designed a new proprietary Optical system that gives ultra-high efficiency and precision.  By improving the performance, we can increase the aspect ratio to 1:12 giving us a true 5 to 60-degree beam angle potential on stage.  This feature allows for a greater flexibility of use in large theatres and small ones where the low height may be an issue.  Sinfonya can be used now in a wider variety of venues without loss of performance in the beam for white or colors.

Claypaky new, sophisticated firmware gives us precise control over the beam in our multicolor engine.  This provides vibrant and rich colors optimized for the stage or TV with high CRI and TLCI levels.  It’s much simpler to install and operate saving time and controls the Sinfonya’s five-color light engine precisely.  More importantly the high control of the engine means the quality of light in the beam is exceptional. All this is possible thanks to the special firmware algorithm, developed internally by Claypaky.

Using the new Calibration feature in conjunction with the Claypaky CloudIO software you can easily align any fixtures on stage for a performance to the same light output and color temperature levels.  Even older fixtures can have the color sampled and measured before being imported using the “digital filter option” and replicated in Sinfonya so that they all match perfectly to give unparalleled consistency on stage.

“We listened to the market and designed a new fixture just for them,” said Product Portfolio Manager Giovanni Zucchinali. “It is the first pure theatre fixture for Claypaky, we wanted it to be special and we are thrilled with its performance” he says. “It definitely puts down a marker to the rest of the industry and to have a fixture with such smooth control at 30db is incredible, we are sure it will be welcomed by the market and can’t wait to hear customer feedback.”

Sinfonya includes a host of trademarked and protected technology that is seen across the Claypaky range.  The “Absolute Position” of Pan and Tilt is the first on the market.  This feature will save lots of time for designers on stage.  Sometimes during a performance, a fixture in a series may need re-setting, it happens it’s just life.  This can be awkward and visible as the fixtures scrolls through its set up process to find its zero point and be able to join in again with the sequencing and performance.

“Absolute Position” is a massive step forwards in terms of lowering audience distraction because of a clever sensor in the head.  This signals where the fixture is in the cycle meaning the audience do not see one fixture turning and swirling to distract them from the show as it tries to find the re-set point.  This new system gives also a much higher precision in term of re-positioning, feature that will be really appreciate since the time for re-focusing before the show is always limited.